"80 MPH" by davidfromdallas
Was that a banana? Oh no. You're getting a reckless ticket!
I'm one of those annoying people who insists on driving the speed limit and coming to a full stop at every stop sign. But in video games, it's a totally different story- I'll go as fast as the car will take me, and I'd rather slam into a wall than tap the brakes. Here's to breaking all the rules... when it's perfectly safe to do so :)
Was that a banana? Oh no. You're getting a reckless ticket!
I'm one of those annoying people who insists on driving the speed limit and coming to a full stop at every stop sign. But in video games, it's a totally different story- I'll go as fast as the car will take me, and I'd rather slam into a wall than tap the brakes. Here's to breaking all the rules... when it's perfectly safe to do so :)
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You'll never escape the spiny shell of the law.
Designed by David Soames
Designed by David Soames
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