Play of the game: Leonardo da Vinci
By Cattoc_C
By Cattoc_C
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Vitruvian Omnic - color version
by Cattoc_C
by Cattoc_C
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Vitruvian Omnic
Play of the game: Leonardo DaVinci as Zenyatta
by The_Interceptor
Play of the game: Leonardo DaVinci as Zenyatta
by The_Interceptor
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Vitruvian Omnic - color version
by Cattoc C
by Cattoc C
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Vitruvian Omnic - color version
Play of the game: Leonardo DaVinci as Zenyatta
by The-Interceptor
Play of the game: Leonardo DaVinci as Zenyatta
by The-Interceptor
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Vitruvian Omnic
Zenyatta, a Vitruvian robot monk meets Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man.
by The-Interceptor
Zenyatta, a Vitruvian robot monk meets Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man.
by The-Interceptor
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