Massive Site Update!
Since we missed the 2 year birthday to launch the new site for That Awesome Shirt, we thought we'd set it into the world (wide web) in a spectacular fashion, LATE - COMPLETE WITH EXPLOSIONS!
Our old-school "Web 1.0" design
While most of the functionality was tested already, we're still expecting a couple of things to break here and there.
Aside from the slick new style, what else have we done?
- Site loads way faster! Rewritten from scratch, we've scrapped the old Drupal code that was weighing TAS down
- Easier to submit shirts
- Browse by stores, making it much easier to find stuff during sales
- Easier to find your tagged shirts with better filtering (see your profile page)
- Broken up the site to "Best of the Best" which contains the most awesome shirts, and "Latest shirts" which shows off all the shirts we have
- Related shirts and latest comments to keep you hooked ;)
- New categories: Religious and Weird
- Shirt tags!
- Share on Google+ and Tumblr
- It even looks right (mostly) on IE6!
- And much more, but overall the site sucks less!
Feel free to let us know what you think about the new update!